Hey Guys!
I know its been 4 months since my last post but I was having some major battles with my 5 year old over my computer. While my son was on summer break he kinda spilled milk all over my hubbies touch screen laptop (🖳+🥛=🙅) which then grew mold and was unusable. So then he discovered my desk top computer and Google. This became his life! My son went from not being able to use a mouse to surfing YouTube and Google by himself. So that's how my son hijacked my computer all summer.
Not that I was bored because I got this little cutie 😍
She's a Corgi and shes now 6 months old. We named her Minnie (like Minnie Mouse) and shes a cute, energetic eating machine lol. While making Zucchini Bread she was very happy to eat all my zucchini scraps which are safe for dogs.
Anyways.......Now that school is back in I can hopefully start making blog posts and videos again while my son is in school. 🎉yay!
4 Eggs
1 cup Oil
3 teaspoon Vanilla
2 cups Brown Sugar
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Nutmeg
2 tablespoon Cinnamon
2 cup Grated Zucchini
3 cup All-Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 teaspoon baking Powder
2 cup Chocolate chips *(can also substitute with nuts or dried fruit)
First cut your zucchini in half and scoop out the seeds. You can peel it also if you like but I usually leave the green on.
Next grate your zucchini & save 2 cups for the bread. The rest can be frozen and used again.
In a mixer start adding the eggs, oil, vanilla and brown sugar.
Mix together, then add the Flour, salt, backing powder, backing soda, cinnamon and nutmeg.
Mix again and add the zucchini and chocolate chips.
Mix for the last time then divide the batter between two loaf pans.
I oiled and floured my pans for easy removal later. Bake for 60 minutes at 325F or 160C. Cool and remove with the help of a rubber spatula.
If you like this recipe and want more then subscribe to my newsletter (top of the page⏫) so you know when a new blog is posted. If you're super bored you can check out my YouTube channel for videos on all my recipes and my Twitter for updates. Hope to see you soon
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